ho - a retired blog

Notiz für mich: Image Gate, die NY Public Library Collection hat den Probebetrieb wieder eingestellt.


Im Survival Kit 2003 des Guardian finden sich einige interessante Links, etwa MyLifeBits ("The MyLifeBits project aims to put all personal documents and media online, to allow time-shifting, and location independence when you are connected to MyLifeBits"), Connectedland ("Hype notwithstanding the so-called "always-on", connected society is happening. Sorry, it has happened, and we are starting to see the first tangible effects of its underlying model. ") und das Worldwide Lexicon ("The worldwide lexicon enlists the help of internet users who are logged in, but not busy. Think of this as distributed human computation."). Have fun.


The Top 10 defining moments on the web, along with five runners-up. (via interconnected)


Aus einem Eintrag auf inessential.com: "How to be happy: (...) 3. I nuked Flash. Oddly, none of the browsers on my machine gave me the option to turn off Flash. So I found where it lived on disk and I trashed it. I had discovered that the major use of Flash on the Web was for ads. Really annoying ads, with things that move and make noise. Super-yuck. Have I missed Flash? Are there other uses for Flash I’m sad about missing out on? Nope. I don’t miss Flash in the least tiny bit."


So haben Screensaver auszusehen. [via p3k]


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...dichtet mir goopoetry. Fein.


Zum Glück haben manche ein anderes Credo: "...the best flash apps are the most simple: holdthebutton". Sehr fein. Oder auch: This would be an excellent game for cell phones: bookworm" (via <a href=www.theshiftedlibrarian.com">theshiftedlibrarian)


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