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Donnerstag, 19. September 2002
Das wär' doch was für Google... lex, 19. September 2002 um 12:34:03 MESZ
"The 80:20 rule originated from Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist who studied the distribution of wealth in a variety of countries around 1900. He discovered a common phenomenon: about 80% of the wealth in most countries was controlled by a consistent minority -- about 20% of the people. Pareto called this a "predictable imbalance." His observation eventually became known as either the "80:20 rule" or "Pareto's Principle"." Wie sich dieses Prinzip auf Informationsarchitektur anwenden lässt und welche Auswirkungen es auf Interface Design hat, erläutert Louis Rosenfeld bei 80/20 Again - Critical Architectural Junctures. (via iaslash) lex, 19. September 2002 um 12:26:39 MESZ
Kürzlich tauchte auf der Apple MPEG4 Seite ein seltsamer Link auf: :k:. Sofort waren Hunderte auf der Suche nach einer Erklärung des Rätsels (siehe spymac und macrumors). Nun scheint man der Lösung schon etwas näher zu sein, es handelt sich um eine neue Kampagne von BMW Films: "It appears to be a contest of some sort. You have to use the links on the page [www.uncaptheride.com] to find clues and fill in the blanks. I think this is some sort of contest, not one that Apple is running, but that they allowed their page to be hyperlinked to. The first 'clue' asks you to add ".com" to the 'anniversary date'. A check of the creepy photo of the 'file' and the top of the homepage shows 'August 06'. August06.com takes you Nikon's photo album site, where the username 'kann' has been inserted for you; however, the page says that the account has exceeded its limit of visits for the day, so you can't look at the images to find the next clue." und "BMW (Beemer): 2002 is the model of the car, 1974 is the year. my roommate just got a 1972 2002, awesome little car. One of the first true small sports cars made" lex, 19. September 2002 um 12:12:15 MESZ
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