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Observer Location: Los Angeles, CA Coordinates: 118°14'27.6''W, 34°03'15.1''N

"...it had all the earmarks of being a spent rocket casing or other piece of "space junk" instead of a true minor planet. (...) But what exactly is it? Efforts by Tony Beresford in Australia and other satellite experts have failed to match this object with any known artificial satellite. Photometric measurements by Peter Kusnirak in the Czech Republic failed to show much variation in brightness, as would be expected of a small metallic object, especially if cylindrical. But the big question is, if it is really in Earth orbit, why has it not been detected before? In Yeung's words, 16th magnitude should have made it "a piece of cake" for survey telescopes like LINEAR and NEAT, or for CCD-equipped amateur instruments, to locate long ago".

Die NASA listet das Objekt als Raumschiff; Duncan Steel von der University Salford vermutet, es handelt sich hierbei um einen erst vor wenigen Monaten in die Erdumflaufbahn gelangten Mond mit weniger als 100m Durchmesser:

"If this really is a new moon - an asteroid captured into orbit around the Earth - then it heralds a great new era of space exploitation. It will be the easiest celestial object to get to, and so a wonderful source of raw materials. When we start building space colonies, this could be where we get the metals and oxygen"


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