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"On Feburary 1, I had 55 unique visitors hitting my RSS feed. On December 11, I had 843. And those are only the ones I could identify" - Man beatrachte hierzu auch die zweite Grafik. Eine Alternative zu NetNewsWire, FeedReader & co könnte folgendes Projekt darstellen: "nntp//rss acts as a gateway/bridge enabling your existing NNTP newsreader to read RSS syndicated content. It is a Java application, and can be deployed either on a end-user's desktop, or on a centrally located server for group access. The first release is 0.1, but does contain a full feature set, with support for both HTML-enabled (Outlook Express, Netscape, Mozilla) and non-HTML enabled newsreaders (Free Agent)." lex, 4. Januar 2003 um 13:54:41 MEZ
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